HISTORY FILE FOR WINLOGO ------------------------ v3.20 (March 1998) ------------------ 1. A bitmap file can now be passed as a parameter to WinLogo. If the bitmap is found, Winlogo will install it as the new logo, and then Winlogo will terminate. 2. Faster rendering of bitmaps. 3. The Winlogo window coordinates are saved when the program closes. 4. Some bug fixes under Windows 95. v3.10 (January 1997) -------------------- This is a maintenance release, but there is a new feature - the facility to restore the original startup logo. Under Win 3.1x, this depends on there being a copy of VGALOGO.RLE in your Windows\SYSTEM directory. v3.0 (June 1996) ------------------ 1. Bitmap viewing capability added (for the Windows version only). Winlogo can now be used to view your .RLE and .BMP bitmaps. Some .RLE bitmaps have a negative compression ratio. Winlogo cannot view such bitmaps. If such a file is encountered, an error message is presented to the user. 2. This version introduces the facility to change the Windows 95 startup logo. 3. This version has been amended (if run from DOS) to take an optional SECOND parameter ("/0"). If this is used as the second parameter, the DOS module will not pause for a keypress if the operation to change the Windows logo was successful. e.g., WINLOGO C:\RLES\BLOOM.RLE /0 This does not work under Win95. v2.12 (July 1994) ------------------ 1. Winlogo can now be run entirely from the DOS command prompt, with the name of the RLE file to be used for the new logo being supplied at the DOS prompt. eg typing "WINLOGO C:\BTIMAPS\FIRM.RLE" from the DOS command prompt, or from a DOS window within Windows, will cause Winlogo to use FIRM.RLE to build the new WINCHG.COM. 2. A bug in the DOS module which caused the new .COM file not to be built has been fixed. v2.11 (February 1994) --------------------- This is a maintenance release for version 2.10 v2.10 (October 1993) -------------------- 1. A minor bug that sometimes caused stack faults was fixed. v2.00 (April 1993) ------------------ 1. DOS version now functionally equivalent to the Windows version. 2. First full release of DOS version and Windows version, which both now reside within the same executable. Run it from DOS, you get the DOS version. Run it from Windows, you get the Windows version. v1.50 (Feb 1993) ---------------- New (beta) DOS version now supplied with the Windows version, with appropriate warnings. v1.25 (Feb. 1993) ----------------- First public release. Windows version only. v1.20 (sometime in 1992) ------------------------ Even less buggy. A stable beta, and used by myself and close friends. v1.10 (sometime in 1992) ------------------------ Now less buggy. Beta release v1.00 (sometime in 1992) ------------------------ Rudimentary and buggy version. Alpha release